Last refresh: Wed, Feb 19 3:47:14 PM UTC 2025
Server 111 : 0 players, up 1 hours, 29 minutes
Server 119 : 0 players, up 5 hours, 19 minutes
Server 211 : 2 players, up 6 hours, 20 minutes
60 grasluk7 Dragon Eyes -HC- Zerial's Workshop Sheinja
60 graslukA . Buffeye -HC- Zerial's Workshop Sheinja
Server 212 : 0 players, up 11 hours, 25 minutes
Server 213 : Down
Server 214 : 0 players, up 1 hours, 51 minutes
Server 215 : 3 players, up 8 hours, 17 minutes
28 mythtery Scooter Skeets Docks of Ascension
28 mythhaps Teenie Meanie Docks of Ascension
29 mythchief Speaker Omen Docks of Ascension
Server 311 : 0 players, up 7 hours, 52 minutes
Server 312 : 0 players, up 3 hours, 5 minutes
Server 313 : 0 players, up 8 hours, 57 minutes
Server 314 : 2 players, up 7 hours, 38 minutes
69 ProtoManX Yojimbo Twinblade Arcane Archive - Rift Fortress Discovery
73 RockMan20XX Yojimbo Celestialruin Arcane Archive - Rift Fortress Discovery
Server 315 : 5 players, up 6 hours, 54 minutes
8 deafking2 Powien the Sly Guild Dark Dragons
10 Yrini Nemis II Secret Chamber
10 deafking Orwan II Guild Dark Dragons
10 deafking3 Alex II Guild Dark Dragons
40 Yrini2 Arelux Guild Dark Dragons
Server 411 : 0 players, up 8 hours, 3 minutes
Server 412 : 10 players, up 11 hours, 51 minutes
60 Miles_Atma_Salamander . +†+ . Aeowyn Swift Docks of Ascension
63 Sovereign-9 . +†+ . Zoey Swift Docks of Ascension Discovery
63 Sovereign-1 . +†+ . Crooks Fleece [§] Docks of Ascension
66 Miles_Atma_Erinyes . +†+ . Aeriel Aelfborne [§] Docks of Ascension
69 Sovereign-4 . +†+ . Ignei Lapidis Ydonis Docks of Ascension
71 Miles_Atma_I . +†+ . Sage Aelfborne [§] Docks of Ascension
75 Sovereign-2 . +†+ . Mächtiger Krieger [§] Docks of Ascension
76 Miles_Atma_Genie . +†+ . Novena Heartbane Town of Ascension Discovery
80 Miles_Atma_Shard . +†+ . Modus Opera'&'die [§] Town of Ascension Discovery
80 Miles_Atma_Negatai . +†+ . Olivia Hawthorne [§] Town of Ascension Discovery
Server 413 : 0 players, up 8 hours, 59 minutes
Server 414 : 10 players, up 2 hours, 20 minutes
74 TrulSengar3 Laseen Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Housing District Dark Templars
75 hermes .Holy-Cow. Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Housing District
77 Trul Sengar Annomander Rake Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Housing District Dark Templars
79 PisBaked Muds Artreus of War. Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Housing District
80 Mandy B Gia Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Housing District Untouchables
80 Jean C Ting Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Housing District Untouchables
80 TrulSengar7 Flowers Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Housing District
80 ca_rook The Unknown Warrior. Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Housing District Untouchables
80 bbk403 Mr Hahn Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Housing District Untouchables
80 bbk402 Dirk The Despised Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Housing District Untouchables
Server 415 : 2 players, up 5 hours, 10 minutes
68 bale13 Henriett Uroboros Peak - Switchbacks Untouchables
80 bale0 Shira Uroboros Peak - Switchbacks Untouchables

Run Listing

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Newbie Log

ah i see! Thank you
- Mustang Megaloft (Kutad), 3 hours, 11 mins ago

found as unidentified gems in legendary level areas
- Dragon Eyes -HC- (grasluk7), 3 hours, 12 mins ago

How do i obtain Arcane Research Crystals?
- Mustang Megaloft (Kutad), 3 hours, 15 mins ago

!filter XXXX - there a floating option
- Deso [Shifter] [Cunning Shifter] (Desocupado), 4 hours, 11 mins ago

What were the commands for showing stat check, DC and saves on the log as messages
- Deso [Shifter] [Cunning Shifter] (Desocupado), 4 hours, 27 mins ago

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