Last refresh: Mon, Dec 2 11:42:41 AM UTC 2024
Server 111 : 1 players, up 5 hours, 58 minutes
79 M4L4DL3 Krahg Merchants Emporium Red Shield
Server 119 : 0 players, up 1 hours, 19 minutes
Server 211 : 0 players, up 5 hours, 43 minutes
Server 212 : 0 players, up 4 hours, 26 minutes
Server 213 : 0 players, up 6 hours, 34 minutes
Server 214 : 3 players, up 3 hours, 19 minutes
40 lopts_Kyton Kosh, Giant Slayer Hell Forge - Descent through the Abyss Untouchables
40 lopts_Koly G'wenth, Maiden of the Glade Hell Forge - Descent through the Abyss Untouchables
40 lopts_Hound Hellscream, Embers of Chaos Hell Forge - Descent through the Abyss Untouchables
Server 215 : 0 players, up 6 hours, 14 minutes
Server 311 : 0 players, up 8 hours, 59 minutes
Server 312 : 0 players, up 3 hours, 40 minutes
Server 313 : 3 players, up 2 hours, 56 minutes
40 Chekist Ellari -HC- Strong Mother's Lair
40 Z-Banker Cleric Master -HC- XL Mother's Lair
40 Z-Helper Sorc Chief -HC- XL Mother's Lair
Server 314 : 0 players, up 10 hours, 16 minutes
Server 315 : 0 players, up 7 hours, 12 minutes
Server 411 : 0 players, up 8 hours, 40 minutes
Server 412 : 0 players, up 4 hours, 19 minutes
Server 413 : 0 players, up 5 hours, 17 minutes
Server 414 : 9 players, up 3 hours, 43 minutes
53 Organ Doner Fallen Shot Penumbra - The Overmind Complex Red Shield
56 defmote2 Elendil Evenstar Penumbra - The Overmind Complex Red Shield
64 MattTheDestroyer Nimrunarmo Penumbra - The Overmind Complex Red Shield
64 defmote3 Throbin Balursonn Penumbra - The Overmind Complex Red Shield
67 defmote Klaptrap the Inventor Penumbra - The Overmind Complex Red Shield
70 Boncipher22 Drem Drengule Penumbra - The Overmind Complex Red Shield
77 Predator74 Wyldrath Penumbra - The Overmind Complex Red Shield
78 Persistent_13lade Lilith Penumbra - The Overmind Complex Red Shield
78 Arghh Swiftsword [DM] Ghashnak the Destroyer Penumbra - The Overmind Complex Red Shield
Server 415 : 0 players, up 5 hours, 56 minutes

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