Last refresh: Sat, Jul 27 10:31:25 AM UTC 2024
Server 111 : 0 players, up 1 hours, 3 minutes
Server 119 : 0 players, up 9 hours, 16 minutes
Server 211 : 0 players, up 4 hours, 20 minutes
Server 212 : 0 players, up 9 hours, 37 minutes
Server 213 : 0 players, up 4 hours, 34 minutes
Server 214 : 0 players, up 8 hours, 12 minutes
Server 215 : 0 players, up 8 hours, 1 minutes
Server 311 : 0 players, up 11 hours, 45 minutes
Server 312 : 8 players, up 0 hours, 41 minutes
22 Kamelinaama9 Rekaw Curse Docks of Ascension
22 Kamelinaama3 Rekaw Theurge Docks of Ascension
22 Kamelinaama5 Rekaw Magical Rock Docks of Ascension
22 Kamelinaama7 Rekaw Valor Docks of Ascension
22 Kamelinaama Rekaw MonkaS Docks of Ascension
22 Kamelinaama8 Rekaw Treehugger Docks of Ascension
22 Kamelinaama4 Rekaw Lash Docks of Ascension
22 Kamelinaama6 Rekaw Sling Docks of Ascension
Server 313 : 0 players, up 10 hours, 51 minutes
Server 314 : 0 players, up 5 hours, 8 minutes
Server 315 : 0 players, up 4 hours, 30 minutes
Server 411 : 4 players, up 7 hours, 45 minutes
32 cheepoabc Talie Ashby Town of Ascension
33 Jean C Tom'Tom Town of Ascension
33 hermes Bo'doc Town of Ascension
64 Mandy B Nimble Tis Town of Ascension
Server 412 : 9 players, up 8 hours, 49 minutes
54 Sovereign-3 , +†+ . Aeolyn Animus Zorbgot's Hive
54 Miles_Atma_Negatai . +†+ . Olivia Hawthorne Zorbgot's Hive Ahala
54 Sovereign-13 . +†+ . Arcane Siz [§] Zorbgot's Hive
54 Sovereign-1 . +†+ . Xiao Wei [§] Zorbgot's Hive
54 Miles_Atma_I . +†+ . Panzer [§] Zorbgot's Hive
54 Miles_Atma_Shard . +†+ . Modus Opera'&'die [§] Zorbgot's Hive
54 Miles_Atma_Salamander . +†+ . Aeowyn Swift Zorbgot's Hive
54 Sovereign-4 . +†+ . Ignei Lapidis Ydonis Zorbgot's Hive
54 Sovereign-2 . +†+ . Zwerg von Deadwood [§] Zorbgot's Hive
Server 413 : 7 players, up 3 hours, 24 minutes
72 boroie Una Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Merchant District Sheinja
76 boroie-x Tigreach Mór Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Merchant District Sheinja
78 boroie-2 Torníuíl Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Merchant District Sheinja
80 boroie-z Spriggon Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Merchant District Sheinja
80 boroie-4 Leathbeo Arís Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Merchant District Sheinja
80 boroie-3 ORGANIC BEEFCAKE!!! Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Merchant District Sheinja
80 boroie-h an'Súil Limbo - Ruined City of Shra'kt'lor: Merchant District Sheinja
Server 414 : 0 players, up 10 hours, 30 minutes
Server 415 : 0 players, up 8 hours, 30 minutes

Run Listing

at entrance to zorgbot jimbo -- all shackled up
412 - 7 hours, 48 mins ago (. +†+ . Modus Opera'&'die [§] (Miles_Atma_Shard))

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